My name is Laureen; close friends call me Lo.
I grew up in a small town in New Mexico and moved to Los Angeles at 18 to pursue acting, where I found myself falling in love with the city, entertainment, the people, the diversity, and yes, coffee. I learned how to brave the freeways, apartment hunt, and hustle for work, adjusting into the grind of LA. I made new friends, built community, and couch surfed a time or two. I also have encountered God in new and fresh ways by watching Him faithfully show up in all of my needs and sometimes stressful circumstances, and I discovered an overwhelming passion for helping others pursue Jesus and encounter His love.
Through seasons of intense struggle and hardship, I found this passion intensified as I drew closer to God's heart and began to understand His love, not only for me but for humanity. Now, more than ever, I desire to not only be a woman who walks in the grace of God and obediently fulfills every plan and purpose He has set for my life but to help equip others to do the same in all areas: mind, body, and spirit. We live in a world of social media influencers and product pushers. The standards set by culture are often unreachable without photoshop, high followings, and constant approval ratings from people. But I believe God wants to expose the areas we tend to shy away from out of fear of truly being seen and known and uproot the lie that if we aren't perfect, we are somehow less loveable. As a recovering "performer" and perfectionist, I believe that He wants to create authentic and complete dependency on Him for us to be all He intends us to be without striving. So, as my Dear friends have always encourage me to take the risk of being known, I plan to exhort you to do the same.

You and I were created for such a time as this. As I step out in faith to do all things as I feel led to by God, vulnerably allowing Him to utilize both strengths and weaknesses, flaws, and even the things I consider "good" and surrender control to Him, I am encouraging you to do the same. I can promise you that it may get a bit messy at times and be uncomfortable, but I also promise that God is good and faithful to complete the work He has begun in you. I am committed to talking about the more uncomfortable topics like stress, grief, suffering, and yes, surrender and not just bring you content that merely entertains. I want you to encounter God's immense love and learn to live from the overflow of His grace. I want you to know how to rejoice even in the most difficult of seasons and choose joy in the midst of pain. I want you to learn to see and acknowledge God's sovereignty and providence. I want you to walk in boldness and courage and run your race well.
Now before I start crying all over the keys on my laptop, I'll lighten things up a bit with some random bits of knowledge about me:
I love coffee.
I have a gorgeous pitbull and totally own the title of dog mom.
I have a background in acting, modeling, fitness modeling, and personal training.
I recently wrote my first book, which is currently available on westbowpress.com, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Christianbooks.com. Yes, I'm still in shock that it is real life.
I've recently branched out and have launched my long time dream of Hosting/Planning Faith & Fitness Conferences for Women! These events are currently available online, but are immersive experiences that tackle health from all sides: Mind, Body, & Spirit. I teach on specific themes and tie them to scripture with a team of amazing women that help lead workouts, speak on specific topics, and answer questions in a Q&A session. We sweat, pray, learn, heal, worship, and grow together. Guess what? It's just the beginning.
I was a conversation contributor for Iridescent Women, an online community for women, by women. (www.iridesccentwomen.com) Check out some of my articles here: https://iridescentwomen.com/?s=laureen+trujillo&search=
I sometimes wake myself up at night, laughing in my sleep.
I love spicy food. Sometimes, a little too much.
I can be a bit dramatic at times and usually pretty hyper naturally without caffeine. (but what's the fun in that?)
Like I said earlier, I wish we could sit and chat face to face about all these things. Should we never get to, I hope what you find here is edifying, encouraging, and occasionally gets you laughing. And I hope it most certainly allows you the opportunity to encounter God and be spurred on in faith to pursue the dreams, goals, and passions He has placed inside of you. I'm so glad you're here with me, so please, don't hesitate to reach out and stay connected! I want to learn more about you, as well.
Here's to living in the overflow of His Grace.
With Love,